Dear Sis
This past week and a half we have been studying the human anatomy. We have been learning and creating a project to explain how the digestive system operates.
The class got in to groups of 4 or 3.
My goups first attempt was icing. That did not go well.
I had two friends doing this digestive system with, witch was Norah and Trinity.
We all had a part in this project but I have to say me and Trinity did most of the project.
For that reason, Norah was absent at the time being.
We are still creating a new project because our last one was ruiend.
Kai te pai hoki toku tema kai te pai. Maku hoa Trinity kai te pai hoki :)
Ko na toharite toku kaiako engari shes te hua manu pai haha
Ko na toharite toku kaiako engari shes te hua manu pai haha
Kia Ora Stephanie
I like your model that you did with your group. My group is doing the nervous system and our model was easy to make but hard to write about. Would you do another model about another system?
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