
Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Yr 8 Graduation

Last night was a blast all the Yr 8 students dressed up in their fancy close and some came in cultural gounes.
All the Yr 8 students enjoyed themselves. I have to admit the food was great. The speeches were great too, the one I mostly enjoyed was the speech that Sione Taufa gave a sincere and inspiring speech to all the Yr 8, and what he did to succeed in his child-hood. I really enjoyed my self and I'm pretty shore all the Yr 8's did too. I hope to see the Yr 8 next Year before we all head off to collage.
Good Bye Year 8s , Fly to success don't fall back look forward.
God bless

Thursday, 8 December 2016

I can't imagine life without...

Today we did a fun activity during Reading time. This activity from my point of view that it was pretty cool and fun, and it really inspired me to what I could do in my future. This activity was fun and I hope that we do more things like this again.


Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Enlargement in Geometry

Today we were learning about enlargement and I was enlarging a hat as you can see.
What I found difficult was everything the estimation the proper length and were the lines go it was very hard from my point of view. There was no easy parts in this activity but I do wish it was and I wish the next one I do is very easy. To be honest I would like to do a boat next. I wounder what you would do?

Friday, 19 August 2016

Mr Yamisaki

Today I had fun learning words and traditional plants and mountains. Today the most enjoyable thing I liked was making a Oragami swoon/crane. It was difficult but alright, I really liked that activity and home to do something different next time. Next time Mr Yamisaki comes our Teacher said he could teach use how to make a easy to so sushi. I cant wait to be honest, cant wait to make sushi with my friends.

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Cook Island Language Week

Today we had an awesome group come in from the Auckland Museum and Glen Innes Library. They were coming in to teach room 7 and 8 about Cook Island culture and history.

I learnt today a little more understanding of a Vaka Ara, and how to drill a hole with a old in days Drill if you know what I mean. The most interesting thing I found out today was how the Vaka Ara worked back in the days.This day was cool and I'm sure Room 7 would say the same thing.

Friday, 8 July 2016

Muffin Pattern Room 8


Walt: studying patterns in algebra
This was an easy yet hard task to undertake. We had to create a pattern on a cupcake. The difficult part was putting the fruits on, but Mrs Ramkolowan came around and gave us some icing for the fruit to stick. This activity was a fun and exciting because we got to decorate muffins, then there was a competition for the best patterns. I had been chosen to be the upcoming winner. But yet Ketura won the nuts and raisins. Good for Ketura !

Wednesday, 6 July 2016


Today was our last netball coaching and I think this game was the cherry on the top
Our first netball game we had against each other, that was awesome.
What I loved about the game was that we worked together and for my team I scored 3 shoots.
This game was amazing and I had real fun with my classmates.

Friday, 1 July 2016

Creating a awsome Goal

On Tuesday 28 of June in the afternoon, three amazing people came to my classroom and there names are Dreydon, Kate and Tony who took all the photos. They came to help us with setting our goal for this year. They also came to talk to us about their 80km walk around Hillary trail. Did I tell you they walked 80km to raise money for our school and St Pius School? They did this walk in late May.

He showed us a presentation about his walk and how to set our goals. He told what kind of equipment he took on the trail walk. He told us that his goal for the walk was to get back for under 24 hours. The author kate was watching the weather movement and helping with the food along the way.

Dreydon told us how they made their goal for the 80km walk. He said he made it as a smart decision.
So S would stand for specific, M - measurement for the length, A - achievable for achieving the goal, R - relevant, T - time bound for the time they had to do it under.

I had set a good goal for myself for the rest of the year. My goal was… work hard to be a good team - player.

Car Patterns

This car pattern was a easy target. Once I read the instructions 2x more I got the hag of it.
This game was pretty easy from my point of view, when I got the hag of it of course.
I hope I get to understand more about patterns like this one.

Friday, 24 June 2016

Walt: write a Narrative

“Mystical Forest here I come” Shouts Kuraroupo in a proud manner. She has a waited 25 years to see the forest, she had picked the best day. The sky was Hazel green in the atmosphere.
There were many stories on the Forest about how the trees and grass could speak to the people. But she did not believe what they had been saying.

Soon enough  Kuratroupo reached Mystical forest gates, she was so excited she almost fainted in excitement. She had finally entered the forest, but what she saw she could not explain the feelings and the scenery she had experienced. There after she had everything sorted, camping gears and more.

Nightfall had come and she was not afraid she said to herself “what a wonderful place why would people say stories about this place is indescribable.”
She had then noticed she was on a 70,000 yards of land all by her self. Then she started to get  goosebumps up he spin. She then thought she would go to sleep, she thought she might feel a bit better in the morning.

She then woke up in a fright from the loud win. She noticed a tear in her tent, she then found multiple around the tent, now she was then worried about the shelter. She had looked at the time and it was only 5.00ck so she  was not worried at all. But yet she knew that there were dangerous animals and insects in the Mystical forest. She thought of an idea to keep the animals and insects away! She had been told that the animals were scared of music, so she had her phone and played loud music so that the animals could hear from a distance away.

Soon enough she was safe and the Morning had come and the sun had risen from behind the mountains. She then thought that she was not going to stay again, yet for what had happen to her tent and because she was to scared and thought she would not survive another night :)

Thursday, 23 June 2016


Dad and his children Tiki and Te paea, went on a fishing trip in their favourite spot.
Dad and his kids caught some fish. Dad called the conservation trust because they found a dolphin with a scared face.But under soon enough there was hundreds of dolphins going past their Boat but the safest thing to do was sail to shaw. Tiki was upset because they left the dolphin with the scared face be him self. But soon enough Tiki was happy because the dolphin came back to say goodbye in a nice way, he jumps in the air and dives straight into the sea.

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Skipping in Glen Innes Center

Over the past few weeks my class and I, have been working on a skipping routine.
That was fun and all but we had a competition/fun activity.
Last friday we went to G.I center to support the heart foundation.
We had done our best, we had fun i'll say.
Hope we have another experience like this again.

Thursday, 9 June 2016


Dust and Flowers
Itchy and sneezy
Perfume and makeup
Cough and swell
Your face isn't very pretty now
Keep away from what you have allergies too

Friday, 3 June 2016

Scatter Gragh

Walt : write a blog post about scatter graph.

First I made three paper planes. Small, medium and big. We got into groups of three to throw the planes and recorded the distance in a table. We plotted a graph that marked the distances of our planes.  We drew a straight line to join as many marks as we could. Small.jpgMedium.jpgBig.jpg

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Email about the Human Anatomy Project

Dear Sis

This past week and a half we have been studying the human anatomy. We have been learning and creating a project to explain how the digestive system operates.
The class got in to groups of 4 or 3.
My goups first attempt was icing. That did not go well.
I had two friends doing this digestive system with, witch was Norah and Trinity.
We all had a part in this project but I have to say me and Trinity did most of the project.
For that reason, Norah was absent at the time being.
We are still creating a new project because our last one was ruiend.
Kai te pai hoki toku tema kai te pai. Maku hoa Trinity kai te pai hoki :)
Ko na toharite toku kaiako engari shes te hua manu pai haha
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Monday, 23 May 2016

How to be a good Egg

IMG_20160523_142426.jpg In the weekend I was very meaningful.
Helped my church with mass doing Alter servicing.
On friday last week I helped my mum do some work for our church.

Friday, 13 May 2016

Amazing Journey

Dreaming, dreaming, dreaming, waiting for a breathtaking picture to come towards my mind. “BOOM!” Suddenly a giant young boy comes from behind. Mihirangi was thinking, “Could he be friendly, kind or nice?”

Mihirangi jumps down in a
The boy suddenly noticed Mihirangi, wondering why she's so tiny and he was so large. He seemed to look frightened. He looked like he doesn't know what's happening or what's going on, or even where he was.  “Mihirangi. That's,my name,” she says to the boy nicely.  He looks very sad but he speaks “I’m Te Rarawa like the tribe”. We start to talk but suddenly something even bigger comes from behind.

Mihirangi looked behind and saw a giant bee.The bee starts to give a slow hiss. Then Te Rarawa saw the bee and he was scared half to death. He started to run like a maniac. Mihirangi was running even faster like boats that had an extra motor. They found a place to hide for a time being. It felt like hours had flown by.

Mihirangi came out from their hiding spot as she glances around for the large undescribable bee. The bee wasn’t in her sight. She tells Te Rarawa to come out. They said their goodbyes and Mihirangi went off. Te Rarawa still did not understand what had just happened but he did

Fraction Bingo

Today we were playing Faction Bingo. We played to understand and identify equivalent fractions. I found the fraction game easy, because all the fractions why simple. I don't think I need help with anything. I would like to go to the next step in fraction like addition, multiply, division and subtraction. This was an easy activity.

Friday, 6 May 2016

Happy Mothers Day Poem

Mum you are me light to my Day. You are the Good to my Bad. You raise me up when Im am down. You are the only reason I am such a wonderful person. You light up my world like nobody else. Mum you are the best in the WORLD ! 
Happy Mothers Day Mummy Bear

The Order of Operations

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WALHT: use the order of operation - BEDMAS to solve problems

This online activity was not easy for me. I still need heaps of practise. I found all the questions hard because I lack in understanding. I found the questions a bit too challenging for me to work out mentally and in my book. The Division, Exponents and Brackets is what I lack in. I found most questions difficult for my understanding. I would like to keep practising BEDMAS.

Friday, 15 April 2016

Ice-Cream Sandwich

Ice cream.jpg

A fluffy moisture puff to the white middle texture. The soft delicate taste of the bright pink wafer. The hard black chocolate and white, teeth marks forming from the hard bites. The taste was light and fluffy, it was tangy, sticky, and a little tasteless.